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Aktualne izobrazbe

Koristeći izobrazbe Qualitasa doći ćete na traku kojom ćete moći brže stići do uspjeha. Naše izobrazbe pokrivaju gotovo cijelo područje poslovnog upravljanja.

Sve izobrazbe

Izdvojena rješenja

Usluge i rješenja Qualitasa koriste uspješne organizacije da bi bile još uspješnije, ali i one koje imaju problema u poslovanju i žele ih brzo rješiti. I jednima i drugima potrebne su promjene u vidu skokovitih i/ili stalnih poboljšanja kako bi zadržali ili ostvarili konkurentsku prednost i zadovoljstvo svojih kupaca.

Strategy and business architecture

-Business process repository
-Balanced Scorecard
-Performance indicators iGrafx

Ostala rješenja

Operational excellence and continuous improvement

-Lean Management
– Six Sigma
– Lean Six Sigma
– Continuous Improvement Process

Ostala rješenja

Compliance and risks

-Establishment of an integrated management system
-Management system audit
-ISO 9001
-ISO 14001

Ostala rješenja

Digitalization and innovation

– Industry 4.0
– Digital transition strategy
– Business innovation process

Ostala rješenja

Investment projects and financing

– EU funding
– Grants and other investment funds
– Investment studies and plans

Ostala rješenja

Our benefits


We have completed more than 900 successful projects in 5 countries, including projects for corporations with more than 10,000 employees, small and medium-sized enterprises, profit and non-profit organizations, successful ones and those looking for a way out of a crisis.

Satisfied clients

When grading clients' satisfaction regarding Qualitas services and project results, our average score is 4.83 on a scale of 1 to 5.

Result-oriented solutions

The solutions are tailored to each client individually to ensure or support sustainable growth and acceptance of change at all required levels of the organization.

Quality management

By applying proven quality tools and ideas to its employees, Qualitas is constantly improving its business processes and services to achieve customer satisfaction.


Primus award: for the best consulting company in Croatia and the best consulting project in Croatia in the Management Consulting category.

Integrated solutions

We provide integration of philosophies, methodologies, tools and digital solutions that help organizations improve their business results.


We recruit professional and experienced consultants who constantly improve their knowledge and skills. Therefore, we provide highly effective solutions in many industries.

International cooperation

Our partnership with the world's leading consulting and technology companies and the American Society for Quality (ASQ) gives us insight into international trends and innovation.

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